Lightning Talk Instructions

Authors of accepted papers are required to prepare a 90-seconds “lightning talk” video that summarizes that gist of their work and promotes their talk at the conference. Please budget enough time to work on the lightning talk in advance. The below specifies the timeline and details the requirements. 

Note that authors must give the talk in the lightning session as specified here.


Your lightning talk submission deadline is April 4, 2024.

Video Properties

Length≤90 seconds
Size≤100 MB
Resolution720p (1280×720 pixels)
Orientationhorizontal (width > height)
Aspect ratio16:9

Recording Guidelines

  • Record using Zoom (see instruction here), PowerPoint (see instructions here and here), or any other software of your choosing capable of generating mp4 files.
  • Your video should show the speaker that delivers the presentation in a small window, in a manner that does not hide important presentation elements.
  • Record in a quiet room to minimize surrounding noise.
  • Ensure that your computer’s fans are spinning at minimum speed, especially when using the built-in microphone for recording.
  • Keep a constant distance from the microphone to avoid audio level fluctuation. 
  • When possible, try to minimize the size of your files.

File Naming

The name of your video file should consist of lowercase characters only, and it is required to adhere to the following format:


where ‘paperID’ is the HotCRP ID of your paper, and ‘cycle’ indicates your paper’s submission (rather than acceptance) cycle: spring, summer, or fall. Such a name may, e.g., look like: 123_spring_knowles_beyonce_lightning.mp4 


Upload your lightning talk video here (you don’t need to create a box account for this purpose). 


If you have questions, please contact the lightning talks chair: Nader Sehatbakhsh <>.