cycle | camera-ready date |
spring | 2023-09-19 |
summer | 2024-01-09 |
fall | 2024-03-27 |
fall major revisions | 2024-06-27 |
Upload the camera-ready version of your paper through its HotCRP page using the ‘final version’ field.
Metadata Changes in HotCRP
You must make sure that the title field, abstract field, and the author affiliation fields on your HotCRP page match the information in your camera-ready version. You do not need permission to change these fields or the order of the authors. However, you do need permission from the program chairs to add new authors.
Artifact Evaluation Appendix
If your paper participates in the artifact evaluation (AE) process and receives at least one AE badge, it should include an appendix titled “Artifact.” This appendix should be limited to a maximum of 2 pages and placed right before the references section. In this appendix, state that your work is accompanied by an artifact and provide, at a minimum, a general, high-level description of the artifact. Typically, the artifact should also be associated with more detailed instructions to make it usable for readers. Whether these instructions are specified in the appendix or made publicly available in another way, such as a readme file in a source code repository, is at your discretion.
Note that the appendix must be ready early enough to be submitted with your camera-ready version. Namely, no additional time will be allocated for this purpose.
Page Limit
The final version of the paper should not exceed 13 pages, with the provision of an additional 2 pages specifically allocated for the artifact appendix, if applicable. It is important to note that these 2 extra pages should be used exclusively for the artifact appendix and nothing else. The page limit applies to all content except the references section.
Additionally, authors have the option to purchase up to 2 extra pages at a rate of $200 USD per page. Payment for these additional pages should be made during the conference registration process through the conference registration system.
All fonts used to generate your paper must be Type 1 fonts (scalable), not Type 3 (bit-mapped). Crucially, all fonts must be embedded in the PDF. Please see documentation regarding how to check if the fonts are embedded here.
Document Class
Your camera-ready version must be formatted using ACM’s acmart Latex style with the sigplan formatting option, which provides a two-column style using 10 point font for the main text. Accordingly, please include the following LaTeX command in the source file of your paper:
The LaTeX class file acmart and its usage notes can be found here (note that we do not use the ACM TAPS workflow, and so the section titled “New Workflow for ACM Publications” in the latter page is not applicable). The class file is also available through CTAN in this page. ACM offers 24/7 author support for tex template problems through its vendor, Aptara, via email. Overleaf supports the ACM templates.
Use the plain bibliography style (\bibliographystyle{plain}).
Because references do not count against the page limit, the space they occupy should not be “optimized” away. You should provide the full, non-abbreviated first and last names of all co-authors for each citation (avoid using “et al.”). Using the appropriate latex package, you should arrange things such that reference citations (numbers in square brackets) within your camera-ready paper are hyperlinked to the corresponding items in the references section, enhancing readability. Readers will also appreciate clickable links (preferably DOIs) associated with each entry in your references section.
Unlike the previous submission for review, the camera-ready papers must comply with the following updated guidelines:
- Include the ACM Reference Format and Copyright sections, along with the appropriate ACM ISBN and DOI links.
- Include the header containing the conference name, authors, and title.
- Exclude page numbers.
- Include the Artifact Evaluation Appendix (if it exists) before the Reference section.
Except for the above differences, you should strictly adhere to the formatting policy specified in the call for papers. This policy, for example, disallows tweaking the document class or formatting text in a manner that violates its settings or “squeezing” space (e.g., by using \vspace or packages that manipulate vertical space). Importantly, the formatting policy also requires that the text within figures, graphs, and tables be legible without document magnification beyond 100%. Such text should appear to readers as 9pt font or bigger after any intra-document scaling has been applied. Fonts appearing smaller than 8pt are forbidden. Figures can use colors but should be color-blind-friendly and readable when printed in monochrome. Spacing between figures/tables/captions/text should be determined by the latex template.
You can start with the camera-ready sample file available in this zip file, which will ensure that your camera-ready paper adheres to the formatting details specified below. Specifically, your main Latex file should have the following structure:
% The camera-ready should not include page numbers
% make references clickable
% if the author list is too long for the header
\renewcommand{\shortauthors}{LAST NAME et al.}
\maketitle % should come after the abstract
% The camera-ready should include the header and exclude page numbers
% add the paper content here
\section{Artifact Appendix}
% add the artifact appendix here
% use the plain bibliography style
Copyright Forms
Contact authors will receive an email from the ACM erights system. Please be on the lookout for this email and make sure you respond (fill the associated form) within 24 hours from getting it.
Note that the camera-ready paper should include the ACM Reference Format and Copyright sections, along with the appropriate ACM ISBN and DOI links. You can refer to the information in the ACM copyright form.
Publication in the ACM Digital Library
We are working with the ACM to publish your paper online in advance of the conference and will provide further details when we learn them.
For any questions about the camera-ready process, please contact the publication chairs.