Instructions for Authors of Accepted Papers
# | What to prepare | Details |
1 | Camera-ready | Instructions and timeline for the camera-ready version of accepted papers are specified here. |
2 | Artifact evaluation | Authors of accepted papers are strongly encouraged to partake in the artifact evaluation process; the instructions and timeline are specified here. |
3 | Talk | One author is expected to physically attend the conference and present the work. The presentation duration should be 12 minutes, followed by 3 minutes of questions. If no author can physically attend the conference due to unforeseen circumstances, notify the program chairs immediately. Please ask a colleague or a person familiar with your work to present your talk in person. If you cannot find such an alternative, as a last resort, we allow remote presentations. See instructions here. |
4 | Lightning talk | Authors must prepare a 90-seconds lighting talk video that describes their work, to be included in the program website and physically presented in the lighting talks session, which will take place on Monday morning, 29 April 2024 (see the program page for details regarding the exact time and location of this session). The video instructions and submission timeline are specified here. |
5 | Poster | Authors must also prepare a poster that describes their work, to be physically presented in the poster session, which will take place on Sunday evening, 28 April 2024 (see the program page for details regarding the exact time and location of this session). The poster preparation instructions are specified here. |
6 | Remote Presentation | Authors of accepted papers who are unable to attend the conference physically and are unable to find an alternate speaker are required to prepare a presentation video of their papers lasting ≤12 minutes. We will play the recorded video at the conference. Following the video presentation, the authors will be able to join the Zoom meeting to answer attendees’ questions. The video instructions and submission timeline are specified here. |